John N., Head Boys Tennis Coach, Hinsdale Central High School
I love the EZ Score system and upon arriving home I immediately bought 6 more for my home courts. They set-up and take down easily and fit in a small gym bag I keep in my trunk. They are durable and look good. Spectators can easily see them from both sides of the court. I will never go back to the chunky scoring systems again. Thanks EZ score for being the best scoring system in tennis.
Judy S. in Southern California
We’ve been using the Match Tuff EZ-SCORE™ for our womens league matches for years. Some of our captains have purchased them for each team member as gifts. The EZ-SCORE™ goes with us, easily, from club to club, in our tennis bags. Being distracted with conversations about children & grandchildren is not a problem when it comes to remembering the score. It is always right there on the net, out of bounds.
Tom H., Head Boys Tennis Coach, Mount Saint Joseph High School
I did order 6 of the EZ score flip cards that hang on the courts for keeping score. They looked great in the catalog.
Eric M., Head Boys Tennis Coach, Barron Collier High School
The score cards are perfect for high school tennis matches. Easy to put up and take down and can hang on the net, great idea.
Jim F. from Fromuth Tennis
We have been selling the MATCH TUFF EZ-SCORE for over 10 years. The product has performed extremely well. We have carried both the original EZ-SCORE cards from “0-6” as well as the PRO SET score cards from “0-9” . We have had almost no problems with the EZ-SCORE products and when there is a problem it is always resolved promptly and professionally.
Connecticut High School Tennis Coach
We like the EZ-Scorekeepers very much and miss not having them when we have an Away match with a team who does not have them.