

The EZ-SCORE™ comes in its own nylon carrying case, with a Velcro seal.

The white on black and black on white numbers 0 – 6.

320 in stock

SKU: 001 Category:


The EZ-SCORE™ was invented, patented and trademarked by ladies team players who were not satisfied with bulky tennis club/court provided scorekeepers or traveling to tennis clubs/courts where NO scorekeepers were provided. The EZ-SCORE™ comes in its own nylon carrying case, with a velcro seal. It fits snugly on the tennis net, out of bounds. The white on black and black on white numbers, 0 – 6, can be clearly seen from both ends of the tennis court and by both opponent’s. The EZ-SCORE™ comes with a carrying case that fits easily into your tennis bag to go with you wherever you play. The EZ-SCORE™ is very convenient and makes a great GIFT!

Additional information

Weight 1.38 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 6 × 3 in


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